"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Reagan Ryleigh

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Bennett Reed

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Family trip to Build a Bear

Nana got Reagan a Build A Bear gift certificate for her bday and we finally got to go use it tonight. She was so excited yet a little overwhelmed when we walked in. She thought the green panda was the funniest coolest thing there so that's what she chose. Apparently it's made of soy and they plant a tree if you buy him. So there's our contribution to the environment today.

This is Reagan and the bear she later named "Cody" before they stuffed him. She looks a little worried about what they're gonna do to him.

Cody being stuffed. Bennett thought it was pretty great too!

Cody all dressed and getting a big bear hug.

Had to take a picture of this. Reagan wanted to carry the box herself but there's not much room left for her in the stroller.

I guess I should explain this...on the car ride home we were discussing that today was Cody's bday. Reagan wanted to bake him a cake when we got home. Tim mysteriously stopped at the grocery store by our house on the way home and wouldn't tell us what he was going in for. He came out with a bday cake for Cody! Reagan was ecstatic. This is us singing Happy Birthday to Cody. Are we the cheesiest family or what?!

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